15 Gang Members Convicted on Conspiracy, Weapons Possession, Firearms Trafficking Charges Case Follows Recent Convictions of 137th Street Crew and East Harlem Narcotics Trafficking Organization

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., announced the results of the investigation and prosecution of one of Central Harlem’s most destructive criminal street gangs, referred to as “ONE TWENTY-NINE” or “GOODFELLAS/THE NEW DONS,” which terrorized the neighborhood surrounding West 129th Street between Lenox and Fifth Avenues. Thirteen members of the gang have previously pleaded guilty to importing, possessing, and using firearms over the course of the conspiracy.

Many of these firearms – including semiautomatic pistols, revolvers, rifles and assault weapons, as well as ammunition – were used in shootings in Central Harlem between 2007 and 2011. Additionally, following a six-week trial in New York State Supreme Court, a jury found leaders HODEAN GRAHAM, a/k/a “Gotti Twin,” a/k/a “Paul,” and KADEAN GRAHAM, a/k/a “Gotti Twin, a/k/a “Peter,” both 19, guilty of Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree. This case developed out a joint investigation by members of the District Attorney’s Office’s Violent Criminal Enterprises Unit, detectives from the NYPD’s Narcotics Division, and FBI special agents.

“This violent street gang was as young as it was dangerous, its members having been involved in multiple shootings over a four-year period in a concentrated area of Central Harlem,” said District Attorney Vance. “What started out as a group of disenfranchised teens and young men who were unaffiliated with other, more prominent gangs, evolved into an armed and highly organized crew in its own right. The gang attacked their community on two fronts – by selling drugs to earn money to purchase guns, which they then used to embark on a series of shootings. In fact, 15 firearms were placed into evidence at this trial, just part of the weapons arsenal attributed to this crew.

“With these 15 convictions, three large gangs that had been operating with impunity and terrorizing residents for years have now been dismantled during the past two years. Three areas of Harlem are undoubtedly safer as a result of these long-term, joint law enforcement investigations and ensuing criminal prosecutions. However, our work does not end with conviction. Equally important are the actions we take to ensure that other young people do not fall victim to this way of life.

“This Saturday, my Office will be holding its fifth ‘Drill and Play’ basketball tournament on the Lower East Side for young men and women between the ages of 12 and 18 from around the borough. Run in partnership with the NYPD, DEA, the Police Athletic League, and Pro Hoops, this youth basketball program operates in the neighborhoods where young people are most directly affected by gun violence. Meanwhile, on the same day further uptown, my Office is also partnering with the New York City Housing Authority and the NYPD to host a day of family-friendly fun and games at the Milbank Frawley Houses in Harlem. This area had been plagued by a large-scale drug ring that sold PCP before 36 members were indicted by my Office in January.”

According to court documents, between 2007 and 2011, NYPD detectives, FBI special agents and deputy sheriffs from Virginia recovered, intercepted, or purchased 15 illegal firearms – including a TEC-9 machine pistol and a Chinese SKS semiautomatic rifle – from members or associates of this criminal street gang. Another nine loaded firearms were recovered through the course of the NYPD’s street-level enforcement, the execution of search warrants, and investigations of gang-related shootings here in Manhattan.

This prosecution of a violent street crew on 129th Street is the latest multi-defendant indictment under New York State’s conspiracy laws:

• On February 29, 2012, 24 members of a major narcotics trafficking organization based in East Harlem were convicted on conspiracy and charges relating to the sale of cocaine. This case marked the first conviction in the City under the state’s new “Drug Kingpin” statute (see press release).
• On January 18, 2012, 36 members of a large-scale drug ring based in Harlem were charged in a 277-count indictment with selling large quantities of PCP and other drugs through street-level distributors in Manhattan. To date, 11 defendants have pleaded guilty. Two leaders of the operation charged under the New York State “Drug Kingpin” statute (see press release), have also been charged in a separate indictment with Murder in the Second Degree.
• On October 20, 2011, the top five members of a street crew on 137th Street that enlisted teens to join their gang were convicted at trial on conspiracy to commit narcotics and weapons offenses, among other charges. With their convictions, all 14 defendants who were indicted on charges relating to crack cocaine sales and weapons possession on 137th Street have been convicted (see press release).

Assistant District Attorneys Andrew Searle and Andrew Warshawer of the District Attorney’s Office’s Violent Criminal Enterprises Unit prosecuted the case under the supervision of Assistant District Attorney Christopher Ryan, Chief of the Violent Criminal Enterprises Unit, Assistant District Attorney John Irwin, Deputy Chief of the Trial Division, and Executive Assistant District Attorney Karen Friedman-Agnifilo, Chief of the Trial Division. Investigative Analysts James LaRusso, Marcus Morrisette, Michael LaRusso, and Rosemary McGuirk assisted with this investigation, as did Assistant District Attorney Tanya Apparicio of the District Attorney’s Office’s Crime Strategies Unit, working closely with the NYPD.

District Attorney Vance thanked the NYPD, particularly members of Manhattan North Narcotics: Inspector Lori Pollock, Captain Kevin Radday, Lieutenant Anthony Ronda, Sergeant Martin Toczek, and Detective Angus Mackenzie. District Attorney Vance also thanked members of the 32nd Precinct, including Inspector Rodney Harrison, Commanding Officer, Inspector Kevin Catalina, former Commanding Officer of the 32nd Precinct, and Sergeant Matthew Reid, Field Intelligence Officer, as well as Assistant Commissioner Kevin O’Connor in the Community Affairs Bureau and Officer Andrew Dunton from the Manhattan North Borough Command.

District Attorney Vance also thanked the New York Field Office of the FBI, particularly Special Agent in Charge Janice K. Fedarcyk, Special Agents Thomas Duane and Scott Holmes, and the undercover special agents of the New York Field Office, as well as members of the Greensville County Sheriff’s Office in Virginia, including Sheriff J.R. Edwards, Jr., Sergeant Jerome Parker, and Deputy Sheriff Willie D. House.

Defendant Information:

HODEAN GRAHAM, a/k/a “Gotti Twin,” a/k/a “Paul,” D.O.B. 3/8/93
New York, NY

• Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree, a class E felony, 1 count

KADEAN GRAHAM, a/k/a “Gotti Twin, a/k/a “Peter,” D.O.B. 3/8/93
New York, NY

• Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree, a class E felony, 1 count

Defendants Associated With 129th St. Crew Who Have Previously Pleaded Guilty:

WILLIE MOORE, a/k/a “Too Wild Willie,” D.O.B. 4/4/94
New York, NY

• Attempted Murder in the Second Degree, a class B violent felony, 1 count
• Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree, a class E felony, 1 count

• 8 years in prison

DARNELL WYNT, a/k/a “Bula,” a/k/a “Bula Bless,” D.O.B. 3/30/89
New York, NY

• Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree, a class C violent felony, 1 count
• Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Third Degree, a class D violent felony, 1 count
• Criminal Sale of a Firearm in the Third Degree, a class D violent felony, 1 count
• Conspiracy in the Third Degree, a class D felony, 1 count

• 5 years in prison

DANIEL FREDRICKS, a/k/a “Danny Boy,” D.O.B. 10/20/91
New York, NY

• Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree, a class C felony, 1 count
• Conspiracy in the Third Degree, a class D felony, 1 count

• 3 ½ years in prison

LEON STUCKEY, a/k/a “Man,” a/k/a “Nasty,” D.O.B. 5/2/92
New York, NY

• Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree, a class C violent felony, 1 count
• Conspiracy in the Third Degree, a class D felony, 1 count

• 3 ½ years in prison

New York, NY

• Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree, a class C violent felony, 1 count
• Conspiracy in the Third Degree, a class D felony, 1 count

• 3 ½ years in prison

ANTHONY MINOR, a/k/a “Ant Live,” D.O.B. 11/6/86
New York, NY

• Conspiracy in the Third Degree, a class D felony, 1 count

• 3 to 6 years in prison

MARVIN BAKER, a/k/a “Marv,” D.O.B. 8/19/92
New York, NY

• Conspiracy in the Third Degree, a class D felony, 1 count
• Attempted Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree, a class D felony, 1 count

• 2 ½ to 3 years in prison

THEODORE DRAYTON, a/k/a “Tinky,” D.O.B. 2/13/93
New York, NY

Plead Guilty:
• Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree, a class C violent felony, 1 count
• Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree, a class E felony, 1 count

CODY EVANS, a/k/a “Kody,” D.O.B. 1/28/93
New York, NY

• Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree, a class E felony, 1 count

• 1 1/3 to 4 years in prison

New York, NY

• Conspiracy in the Third Degree, a class D felony, 1 count

• 1 1/3 to 4 years in prison

ANDREW HENRY, a/k/a “Drew Banger,” D.O.B. 5/2/88
New York, NY

Plead Guilty:
• Conspiracy in the Third Degree, a class D felony, 1 count

SHAKAR BARKSDALE, a/k/a “Kar,” D.O.B. 11/15/93
New York, NY

• Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree, a class E felony, 1 count
• Attempted Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree, a class D felony, 1 count

• 1 year in prison


• Conspiracy in the Third Degree, a class D felony, 1 count


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